Duel on the Delaware was the first FRC off-season event I went to as a new robotics member. My main job of that day was to take videos and pictures of our robot alongside my friend Julie. During the practice matches, I got familiar with working the camera and started exploring the pit and meeting new teams. Our robot didn’t play until a few matches in, but watching the other teams play was a fascinating start. Once our team started, I took pictures of our drive team and immediately started moving around in the pit attempting to get some good footage. I also got to sit in watching a mock Chairman’s presentation, which was interesting because of how the presenters were able to memorize all of the team’s information. Unfortunately, our robot wasn’t functioning well at first due to technical problems, but after lunch, our robot was all fixed up and ready to play. We didn’t win, but we got to experience working with different teams. Overall, the competition was an interesting event. I learned how to properly use a camera, hung out with my members, and expanded my interest in robotics.
-Jennifer (Member of Business)